Polyclinic Terme – Selce +385 51 764 055
    Department – Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    Terme – Selce Ltd. +385 51 764 055
    ISO 9001
    Poliklinika Terme, Selce +385 51 764 055 | Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    ISO 9001

    Junior Camp

    Junior Camp is a project I started with my associates in 2018, after 20 years of working with obese adults, children and young people.
    Obesity is a new epidemic of the 21st century (WHO).
    Every third child is obese or overweight, which certainly leads to obesity when they grow up.
    Obesity is also the 2nd cause of death because it brings with it over 25 other health problems and diseases.
    I continued the project in 2019, when it received the support of the US government by being selected as the only women entrepreneur from the Republic of Croatia (with only one other entrepreneur), to present Junior Camp at their Global Congress of Entrepreneurs - GES in The Hague.
    The interest of the media was great, as was the interest of the users.
    Therefore, the Junior Camp becomes a project that is repeated every year, after special selection of participants, children with parents stay with us for 10 days in the program.



    Više o programu u info materijalu.

    If you have a child who is overweight, let me know and do not wait, otherwise it could be late!

    mr. sc. Iva Brozičević Dragičević, prof. psihologije
    Special program manager
    ✉ iva@terme-selce.hr
    ✉ info@terme-selce.hr

    +385 0(51) 764 055
    +385 0(98) 329 299



    Polyclinic Terme – Selce
    Terme – Selce Ltd.
    Tel: +385 51 764 055
    Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka
    Tel: +385 51 400 420

    Working hours

    Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00


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