Polyclinic Terme – Selce +385 51 764 055
    Department – Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    Terme – Selce Ltd. +385 51 764 055
    ISO 9001
    Poliklinika Terme, Selce +385 51 764 055 | Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    ISO 9001

    Program for pensioners

    Retirees, younger and older are mostly our clients over 30 years, who also return to us regularly in search ‘for better health’.
    Even 95 is not the limit for taking care of your health, as that's the age of one of our oldest clients, a doctor.
    Since retirees regularly go on various trips, for socializing and recreation, it is also an ideal time to visit our clinic for a short examination by our specialists internist-cardiologist, and if necessary, a physiatrist-rheumatologist.
    Together with movement and light exercise under supervision, mental exercise is extremely important because it is what moves the whole body.
    Therefore, I invite you to contact us whether you have pain from osteoarthritis or osteoporosis, or just a headache.
    We understand your needs and can be your constant support, both at our clinic and later when you return to your homes.

    From this video you will see how we do it.

    Info letci: Program za umirovljenike, FREMS, Dekompresija kralježnice, Hipobarična terapija, MBST, Artroza, Anthelia Medical IPL, Bol koljena, Bolna leđa, Zašto Terme Selce

    mr. sc. Iva Brozičević Dragičević, prof. psihologije
    Special program manager
    ✉ iva@terme-selce.hr
    ✉ info@terme-selce.hr
    +385 0(51) 764 055

    +385 0(98) 329 299




    Polyclinic Terme – Selce
    Terme – Selce Ltd.
    Tel: +385 51 764 055
    Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka
    Tel: +385 51 400 420

    Working hours

    Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00


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