Polyclinic Terme – Selce +385 51 764 055
    Department – Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    Terme – Selce Ltd. +385 51 764 055
    ISO 9001
    Poliklinika Terme, Selce +385 51 764 055 | Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka +385 51 400 420
    ISO 9001

    BIODEX isokinetics

    Terme Polyclinic is a BIODEX isokinetic reference center for Croatia
    We use the isokinetic system for diagnostics - isokinetic testing, physical therapy and rehabilitation, injury prevention.
    Isokinetic diagnosis is the initial and final part of each individual therapy plan. It is a method of objectively examining the function of muscles, joints and spine, which takes into account age, gender, body weight and height. The data are processed by computer and give a detailed insight into the type and severity of muscle, spine and joint dysfunction.

    BIODEX isokinetic testing system

    • BIODEX Isokinetic dynamometer
    • BIODEX Balance Platform
    • BIODEX Gait Trainer

    We use the BIODEX system in testing to measure power; functioning, activation rate and endurance of all muscles in the body.

    BIODEX isokinetic system in prevention, physical therapy and rehabilitation
    Targeted and safe rehabilitation today is unthinkable without isokinetic diagnostics and exercises performed under the supervision of a kinesiologist. It provides measurable results to the physician, kinesiologist, therapist, and patient.
    The application of isokinetics in rehabilitation improves intermuscular coordination, neuromuscular activation, joint stability by specific and targeted muscle strengthening (muscle groups of agonists / antagonists) which prevents the possibility of re-injury, stabilizes and optimizes muscle function, reduces muscle imbalance and atrophy.
    Isokinetic training is among the most widespread methods of strengthening muscles and improving the range of motion of the joints. The isokinetic dynamometer enables precise and safe training during the rehabilitation process. There are almost no age restrictions (age from 8 to 95 years).


    • Planning and monitoring the therapy
    • Objectification of therapy results
    • Individual protocols in the period of pre-preparation and preparation for sports activities
    • Professional medical staff, physiotherapists and sports psychologist provide support to athletes during rehabilitation and competition
    • Successful injury prevention, which ensures the extension of a sports career


    Prim. Vlasta Brozičević, MD spec.
    in physical medicine and rehabilitation, rheumatology





    Polyclinic Terme – Selce
    Terme – Selce Ltd.
    Tel: +385 51 764 055
    Polyclinic Terme – Department Rijeka
    Tel: +385 51 400 420

    Working hours

    Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
    Saturday: 08:00 - 14:00


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